The Lex-Atlas: Covid-19 (LAC19) project provides over 45 scholarly country reports and analysis of national legal responses to Covid-19. The selected countries span all continents.
Each report follows the structure outlined in the Author Guidance Code (AGC). Following the publication of each report, members of the LAC19 team have data-mined relevant information, based on questions contained in the AGC. Such data-mined and coded information is presented here, in three unique datasets. We rely on the structure of the AGC, the editing process, and hand coding by our team to produce high-quality, cross-country data sources.
Each dataset allows the comparative analysis of national responses to Covid-19. For each country, we present the questions being asked, the coding assigned, and notes explaining each coding. We believe this condensed and simplified overview of the country reports will be helpful to legal scholars, policymakers, and parliamentary staff.